Spring 2025 CALENDAR

SAM Alumni Mixer

SAM Alumni Mixer

Join us for our alumni mixer! This is a perfect opportunity to network with alumni who are in professional fields. Come enjoy some food and chat with our executive board and alumni!

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COB Parkside Social

COB Parkside Social

Join us at Whaley Park for pizza, drinks, and fun with games like Uno, corn hole, volleyball, and more! Come have some fun with SAM x HRMA x ABSOC x IBA x BBSA x FMA!

A great way to network with fellow COB students and make some new connections!

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General Meeting - Build Your Own SAM Meeting

General Meeting - Build Your Own SAM Meeting

Hosted by Martin Van Kanel of Patriot Wealth Management - Mr. Van Kanel is the founder of a small wealth management company that got big.

We will learn about the brainstorming and pitching process and then break into groups to create our very own SAM meetings. Pitches will be made. Tears will be shed. Mr. Van Kanel will decide the winner.

Also, this is THE meeting to attend if you wish to nominate yourself or another member for leadership positions in SAM. As a reminder, general members can watch, but only paid members may run for elected positions and vote.

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